Replace the title with your initiative name using this style: Design Specifications - Initiative x

Current state Use only one: DESIGN CLOSED 🏁 (other options Design in progress 🚧 ; Doc in progress 🚧 ; Descoped πŸ—„ ; Updating 🚧 )
πŸ—“ Last update add date
πŸ“ Tools/pages impacted Tool 1, Tool 2, Tool 3: name the tools that will be impacted
Requirements/PM page link to page or pages

<aside> ℹ️ Please use this template when creating the design specifications page for a new Initiative. Bare in mind that this template is flexible and new info can be added depending on the use cases for each project. Please remove the sections that don’t make sense in your case.

Everything in grey are instructions of possible text, delete it and replace with your own words.


ℹ️ Intro

Summarise the initiative from a Design perspective in one paragraph.

Then, we can introduce a couple of subsections about specific initiative questions. These should also be short sentences, one paragraph max.


Where and when? What tools are impacted and how do they relate with each other on the user journey?

What info? What info and what treatment does it need? Is it a list of objects? Do we require to see detail? What is the level of visibility needed for each part?

Why? Why is this initiative needed? Focus on the tooling perspective.

Who? Different users? How do the different users see the tool? Do they see the same info and can they perform the same action?